
Earn A Leadership Certificate

Leadership+ is our premier leadership certificate program featuring all components of spiritual formation and leadership development with audited components of academic excellence.

The Leadership+ Experience

When you participate in the Leadership+ program you are actively involved in all three of our pillars:

Academic Excellence

Spiritual Formation

Leadership Development

Leadership+ offers the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of your unique calling and develop your leadership skills in an engaging, hands-on environment.

Earn A Certificate

Through our Leadership+ program, you have the opportunity to earn a Certificate of Leadership or an Advanced Certificate of Leadership from Church of the King. These certificates represent your commitment to growth, discipline, excellence and strong character. Your achievement in these areas is measured by your involvement in our pillars of spiritual formation, leadership development and academic excellence. The Advanced Certificate of Leadership is earned through your involvement in an optional, additional business or ministry internship.

Make It A Gap Year

You also have the opportunity to pursue the Leadership+ program as a gap-year. The entire first year of COTK College is structured for your discovery. We want you to gain a deeper understanding of how you are uniquely wired, gifted and called to make a difference in the world. If you’re looking to deepen your walk with God, your understanding of yourself and your leadership skills, join us for our one year program!

How long is the program?

The Leadership+ program can be 1 to 4 years depending on what you want to get from it. Looking to simply discover who God has called you to be and lay a foundation? Join us for one year. Looking to develop your leadership skills and character without attending a traditional college? Join us for 2 to 4 years!

Interested in earning a four-year degree?

In cooperative agreement with Oral Roberts University, COTK College offers fully accredited four-year degrees.